The internet of things isn’t just about being connected, having a WiFi connection. For an item to be a great addition to the Internet of Things it should serve a purpose and do great things.

Fitting that bill is the Gogogate2 – a garage door controller that connects to your garage door opener to work as the “switch” or button that opens and closes the door.

This little unit is affordable, reasonably easy to setup and has great integration with the IF service meaning it can do even more than just open and shut.

For example, using your GPS location, you can setup the Gogogate2 to always check the door is shut when you drive out of your local area. You might also connect lights in your home so when the door opens on come some lights.

The addition of a compatible camera means you can see inside the Garage in the same app too.

It’s a great little unit, impressive at first use, and well worth our 2017 EFTM Best award for Internet of Things.