Full of passengers and with no working landing gear, LOT Poland pilot Tadeusz Wrona managed to land his Boeing 767-300 with absolutely no injuries. Story includes full video of the landing.

Flying in from Newark Liberty Airport, New Jersey, Wrona managed to get the plane to its destination of Warsaw, Poland. During the flight he had announced to the crew and passenger that the plane was experiencing technical difficulties. Thanks to the early warnings, Wrona was able to notify Warsaw early and have them spray the runway with flame retardant substances.

Wrona then circled Warsaw in the 767-300 to burn off fuel prior to attempting the landing. The entire event was caught on camera, showing a landing as smooth as any regular one. Passengers told the waiting media that despite being briefed by crew about the emergency landing procedures they needed to go through, it felt like any regular landing. Flames did threaten to start a fire but thanks to the runway coating, it never eventuated.

Even Poland’s President, Bronislaw Komorowski, has congratulated Wrona and his crew.