Have you received a message on Facebook from one of your friends with a link to a YouTube video asking “This is you?” – It’s a scam.  Don’t click that link.

There’s no video, it hasn’t been viewed 400,000 times, and that friend didn’t send you that message.

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These scammers are smart, they are sending different links to different people, making it harder for Facebook to block the links – though that has started happening – don’t take the risk.

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In my case the link took me to Amazon.com – you might ask why?  Well, if the scammers signed up to receive referral commission from Amazon – any purchase I make from now on at Amazon will earn the scammer some coin.

My wife received the same message.


Her link took her to a website sales business.

Others online report the link takes them to a phishing scam – where a Facebook login window is presented, and you think its legit so you hand over your login and password details – meaning your account has been compromised fully and scammers can access your Facebook account.

Facebook isn’t acting too fast here, these messages have been circulating for over a week or more – they could easily block all messages with the word “This is you?” given that isn’t correct english anyway.

No matter what, don’t click it, and get your friends who send you that message to change their Facebook password.

It’s unlikely that your friend has been hacked, in fact it’s quite likely they invited the scammer into their account – not knowing it.

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Sometimes when you sign up to websites, or click those silly surveys on Facebook, you’re handing over much more than just an access pass.  Those “apps” may have access to more of your Facebook account, so I recommend you login and remove any unknown apps from your Facebook account.