If you’re like us, then you have a bath in the house that is just never used. Maybe the missus had ambitions to use it but with work, a social life and other things, a shower is often the way.

For me, a bath has always been something people do to relax and light candles with champagne and a Mills & Boone novel. Not typically blokey and unlikely something many guys do.

Dr Teals

We were sent a bag of Dr Teal’s bath salts and this one was suited for Pre and Post Workouts. It is epsom salts with magnesium and sulfate with a menthol scent. This product is suited for a 15 minute power soak to help relax and ease any muscle strain from your gym session.

Dr Teals

We attended a high intensity workout in the morning and power soaked afterwards. Throwing two cups of the bath salts into the warm water was easy, jumping in and relaxing for fifteen minutes was a tad boring but fortunately Wi-Fi and Twitter was keeping us company. Now though, writing this article while fresh from the bath, we feel great. It may just be laying in a warm bath for 15 minutes or it may be the chemicals and fragrances in the bath salts. Either way, it wasn’t a bad way to relax and unwind. Since the whole process had a purpose and achieved a result, we’re happy.

A large bag of Dr Teal’s bath products will set you back $19.95.