It’s the dream of most men. You win a Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster worth around $400,000. But the unless you’re David Dopp, the dream doesn’t end spinning out across around and crashing into a field just six hours after winning it.

Sadly, that is exactly what happened to Dopp. He won the Murcielago Roadster in a contest run by Maverick Convenience Stores. And this is a video of his reactions.

Six hours after getting the keys it was a little less exuberant. While giving rides to friends and family, Dopp hit ice or gravel and lost control of the car, first spinning and then crashing through a fence and into a field. The damage was decent but not substantial. Some front end damage, scratches along the side and a puncture. Thankfully, Dopp was insured and the car is being repaired.

There’s a lesson in there for all men. Win a Lamborghini, drive it like you do your Hyundai i20 unless you’re on a track!