Magazine sales have been nose-diving for years. But the extra pressure to perform has pushed publishers to come up with new and exciting ideas like this one to help keep magazines alive for a while longer. The October/November issue of GQ magazine will feature an MP3 player built into its spine.

Sure, it’s not an exceptionally exciting MP3 player – according to Mumbrella, once the spine has been switched on, the mag will play a dance track, followed by a message from R&B-person Usher (why would you name yourself after an almost obsolete customer service job?) promoting Belvedere vodka’s involvement with the RED campaign to wipe out HIV in Africa.

It’s obviously for a very good cause, although you have to wonder how much money, effort and resources have gone into providing something that people will – at most – listen to once. Still, it’s unique enough to stand out, which is certainly a good thing for GQ.

(And by the way – don’t forget to check out the latest tech page by Damo in the issue!)


Web: GQ
Via: Mumbrella
Pic: Mumbrella